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Voltage & Current Divider Rules (VDR & CDR) Equations
Voltage Divider Rule (VDR) & Current Divider Rule (CDR) Equations & Formulas
Voltage division and current division are useful techniques which are used to express the voltage and current across one of the several series or parallel resistors in terms of the voltage and current across the combination respectively.
Voltage Divider Rule (VDR)
VDR or Voltage Divider Rule is only applicable when there is more than one resistances or impedances in series. In the parallel combination of resistors, the voltage remains the same.
Voltage Divider Rule For DC Circuit:
- Vn = Voltage across Resistor Rn
- Vs = Supplied voltage or total voltage across resistance network
- Rn = Resistance of resistors, where n = 1,2,3..
Voltage Divider Rule For AC Circuit:

- Vn = Voltage across Impedance Zn
- Vs = Supplied voltage or total voltage across impedance network
- Zn = Impedance, where n = 1,2,3..
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Current Divider Rule (CDR)
CDR or Current Divider Rule is only applicable when the resistance network is connected in a parallel combination. In series combination, the current remains the same through the resistance network.
Current Divider Rule For DC Circuit:
- In = current through Resistor Rn
- Is = Supplied current or total current through the resistance network
- Rn = Resistance of resistor, where n = 1,2,3..
Current Divider Rule For AC Circuit:
- In = Current through Impedance Zn
- Is = Supplied current or total current through impedance network
- Zn = Impedance, where n = 1,2,3..
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CDR are.
In = (Rt/Rn) x It